«ELTA Construction» LLC performs full range of construction and montage works. This direction of activity in our company is supervised by highly qualified engineers with extensive experience in this type of work. All construction and erection works are carried out “turnkey”, and the use of modern building materials and construction technologies allow to perform all the work.
Range of construction and montage works on «ELTA Construction» LLC:
- Masonry walls and partitions;
- Complex of works on replacement of ceilings;
- Disassembling and erection of building and structure;
- Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
- Installation of light enclosing structures;
- Installation of steel structures;
- Installation of metal structures;
- Installation of wooden constructions;
- Cast-in-block works;
- Roofing;
- Facade work.
- Installation and production of furniture
«ELTA Construction» LLC can perform construction and installation works of any complexity and any volume.